Usage of BUFF20

The statistics were last updated Sunday, 1 December 2024 at 2:55,
at which time 'BUFF20' had been up for 19.
`Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average)
Max  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%) Average  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%) Current  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%)
Max  Out: 1027.6 MMB (49.0%) Average  Out: 1027.2 MMB (49.0%) Current  Out: 1027.6 MMB (49.0%)

`Weekly' Graph (30 Minute Average)
Max  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%) Average  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%) Current  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%)
Max  Out: 1027.6 MMB (49.0%) Average  Out: 1025.0 MMB (48.9%) Current  Out: 1027.6 MMB (49.0%)

`Monthly' Graph (2 Hour Average)
Max  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%) Average  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%) Current  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%)
Max  Out: 1027.6 MMB (49.0%) Average  Out: 1017.2 MMB (48.5%) Current  Out: 1027.6 MMB (49.0%)

`Yearly' Graph (1 Day Average)
Max  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%) Average  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%) Current  In: 2097.2 MMB (100.0%)
Max  Out: 1027.3 MMB (49.0%) Average  Out: 849.7 MMB (40.5%) Current  Out: 1027.3 MMB (49.0%)

GREEN ### Incoming Traffic in Bytes per Second
BLUE ### Outgoing Traffic in Bytes per Second

MRTG Multi Router Traffic Grapher
2.10.15 Tobias Oetiker <[email protected]> and Dave Rand <[email protected]>